Our address is 3705 Southwest Trafficway KCMO, 64111. If you want to see it on a map, pop over to the contact page; we’ve already got one set up for you.
Parking, Entrance, and Accessibility
Due to Southwest Trafficway being ridiculously busy, (we’re talking 40K vehicles per day going 45mph+), the Department of Agriculture and KC, MO Animal Control suggested we use an alternate entrance as our main door. We loved this idea for a couple reasons!
It’s overall safer for both humans and cats, because, well, anytime you can avoid colliding with vehicles at high rates of speed is a good thing. No worries, though; we’ve made it easy for guests to park in back parking lot (or in the neighborhoods) and enter through the “back entrance.” This is where you’ll check in, sign a waiver, and order a drink before your reservation begins.
Need disability access? Let us know beforehand and our staff will be ready and waiting to open the doors and escort you directly into the Cat Lounge. Otherwise, we won’t be using the door on Southwest Trafficway at all.
See you soon!